Charlie Vaughn
Charlie Vaughn has treasured Gospel Music since he was a lad. He grew up in an era when both work and daily living were demanding. But he recalls being a little boy seated on the front row of a church, watching and listening to the harmonious blend of gospel singers. As a youngster, he further remembers saying to himself, "Man, I sure would love to do what they are doing one day". In the late 1970's with his natural bass voice, Charles had his chance. He helped to organize "The Crossmen", a quartet that blazed a regional trail of gospel music through the 1970's and 1980's. The group went on to become recognized as "Ambassadors of Gospel Music", being commissioned as such by the governors of 9 states, and they won 20-plus prestigious awards for their work in the field. However, like so many before him and despite apparent success in the world's eyes, Charles lost sight of what really mattered somewhere along the way. Down-hearted, he eventually made a decision to leave the gospel circuit -- a decision with negative implications on his life for nearly 8 long years to follow. But, God never left Charlie Vaughn. In fact, God kept tugging and tugging on Charles' heart until one day Charles began to actively seek-out people who would be willing to minister through song and worship again. Some three years later, "RENEWED" was born. Charles finally surrendered to what God had wanted and planned for him for so long...... Today, Charles seeks God first in his decisions. In fact, it was through prayer that God named the group, "RENEWED"!! Charles is known and loved by gospel music fans far and near, and he is happier and more at peace today than ever before. He continues to express gratitude for the miracles that only God could perform in his life, in his family's life, and in the needs of others through his passion for ministering with "RENEWED". "I feel so blessed just to be a part. I do not want to give people a show with rehearsed routines and skits. I want to minister and let God take all the credit. I want to see people blessed and coming to the Lord, whether it is to get saved or to rededicate their lives, and get on fire for Christ. As a Christian, that's all I want", says Vaughn.
Click the "play" button below to hear Charles sing "More About Jesus" with "The Crossmen".
Keith Ozment
When one thinks of the words "anointed" or "gifted", Keith Ozment has to come to mind. From his youth, Keith knew he was supposed to be doing something for the Lord. He, too, learned the meaning of restricted means of living at an early age. His family struggled to make ends meet, and Keith was obliged to help by beginning work at an early age. However, by 14 years old he'd found his passion -- singing gospel music. And, at age 15 he became the tenor singer for "The Crossmen", the quartet with whom a friend, Charlie Vaughn, was singing bass. Keith shared in the good-times with the group, from a boy's dream of traveling and singing gospel music to a young man's inclusion in numerous awards and honors. The group was even privileged to travel to Washington, DC and sing at a presidential inauguration. Keith is an ordained minister and began to preach after "The Crossmen" quartet divided. But, he began being pulled by the world and all it's follies. Hard times and devastating family changes encouraged him to slip away from his first love -- God and His work. Keith abstained from ministering in any fashion for a number of years. But, God never left Keith Ozment either. When long-time friend Charlie Vaughn called Keith and told him that he was sincere about ministering again, Keith was at first both reluctant and skeptical. But, soon thereafter he saw first-hand blessing after blessing in his own life and the life of others.... Now singing baritone & composing gospel songs, Keith [along with Charles (bass) and Mike (lead)] became one of the three original group members of "RENEWED", a team that God was about to ordain as an evangelistic singing ministry. "God is so good. He blesses us when we are right, and when we mess up, he finds a way to use that situation to make us stronger. I just enjoy being a part of what God is doing, not only in this group, but in my life", said Ozment.
Click the "play" button below to hear Keith sing with "The Crossmen" on the song "Winging My Way Back Home".
Mike Hoffman
The earliest recordings of Mike Hoffman can be found on reel-to-reel, singing "Kneel At The Cross" with his Pentecostal preaching "Papaw". Mike was barely 18 months old at the time. With an ear for music at a very early age, Mike learned timing/rhythm on his first instrument, the tambourine, at 2 years old. He sang with his musically-gifted family during much of his younger years and remained active in his church. By age 12, Mike was playing drums and then went on to learn rhythm, lead, bass, and steel guitars. Next for Hoffman came songwriting, composing, and arranging which he began at 13 years old. Two years later, Mike made a decision that would devastate his life for many years to come. He decided to pursue a career in secular music. For three years, Mike traveled to and from Nashville, TN before moving there at age 18 and becoming a member of ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers). By his mid twenties, Mike had either met, worked with, and/or befriended several of the most popular names in the country and pop industries. However, he was plummeting quickly into self-annihilation. Through it all, God stayed near and sheltered Hoffman because He had something in store for Mike that was far greater than Mike himself could ever find on his own. Mike eventually began the long journey of recovery and re-discovered his roots.... Many years ago, Mike rededicated his life to the Lord and determined to follow Christ's leadership for the ministry into which God had called him at such an early age -- MUSIC, God's music!!! Today, he ministers through singing, songwriting, and testimony... "I am deeply grateful for a second chance at life, for a loving family, and especially for the opportunity to share the stage with three of the most dedicated people with whom I have ever had the privilege of working. I love being a part of the ministry of "RENEWED", a name that sums-up my very existence", said Hoffman. Renewed went into a brief hiatus in 2016 after the death of veteran tenor singer Danny Presley. In a short period of time, Mike lost both of his parents, his prayer warrior aunt, his uncle, one of his best friends (Danny), and then, his ministry. Mike entered a state of depression only to be exemplified by massive health setbacks. Mike suffered a major heart attack and underwent two open heart surgeries in 2017. Then, he suffered a stroke in 2018 that limited his speech, eye sight, mobility, and vocal ability. However, through God's grace and mercy, Mike persevered and regained many of his abilities. He restarted his ministry in early 2020 through social media and YouTube, reaching lost souls during the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, Mike co-leads music at his church, and he is back once again traveling and ministering with RENEWED.
Click the "Play" button below to hear Mike sing "Keep Walking On" from the album Just Mike.